【訊息分享- 「資料價創與挑戰」工作坊】


由中央研究院統計科學研究所主辦的 2024「資料價創與挑戰」工作坊,相關訊息如後:

舉辦時間:2024 年 5 月 31 日、6 月 1 日

舉辦地點:中央研究院 學術活動中心 第一會議室

報名截止日:5 月 25 日



【訊息分享】6th Asian Population Association Conference ,現正徵稿中

  •  2024-01-29

▶️ 舉辦時間:2024 年 11 月 27-30 日

▶️舉辦地點:Kathmandu City, Nepal


▶️ 收件截止日:2024 年 2 月 2 日

▶️ 徵稿主題:

Conference Themes:

1. Future Challenges of Asian Population Dynamics

2. Population Census/Survey, Vital Registration, and Big Data

3. Fertility, Fecundity, Reproductive Health, and Reproductive Rights

4. Mortality, Morbidity, Epidemiology, and Causes of Death

5. Population Mobility and Spatial Demography (Internal and International Migration, including Refugees) and Urbanization

6. Family Formation and Dissolution, Family and Kinship

7. Gender and Development

8. Demographic Theory and Methods (including Demographic Training)

9. Population Dynamics, Demographic Transition, and Population Ageing

10. Population and Environment, Climate Change, and Sustainable Development

11. Special Population Groups (Youth, Older Persons, Persons with Disability, etc.)

12. Population and Economy, Demographic Dividend, and Labor Market

13. Ethnicity/Race, Religion and Language

14. Historical Demography

15. Digital Technology for Demographic Analysis

16. Others (Education, Well-being, and Happiness, etc.)

17. Nepal Special Sessions (Topics relevant to Nepal)



由中央研究院統計科學研究所主辦的 2024「資料價創與挑戰」工作坊,相關訊息如後:

舉辦時間:2024 年 5 月 31 日、6 月 1 日

舉辦地點:中央研究院 學術活動中心 第一會議室

報名截止日:5 月 25 日



【訊息分享】6th Asian Population Association Conference ,現正徵稿中

  •  2024-01-29

▶️ 舉辦時間:2024 年 11 月 27-30 日

▶️舉辦地點:Kathmandu City, Nepal


▶️ 收件截止日:2024 年 2 月 2 日

▶️ 徵稿主題:

Conference Themes:

1. Future Challenges of Asian Population Dynamics

2. Population Census/Survey, Vital Registration, and Big Data

3. Fertility, Fecundity, Reproductive Health, and Reproductive Rights

4. Mortality, Morbidity, Epidemiology, and Causes of Death

5. Population Mobility and Spatial Demography (Internal and International Migration, including Refugees) and Urbanization

6. Family Formation and Dissolution, Family and Kinship

7. Gender and Development

8. Demographic Theory and Methods (including Demographic Training)

9. Population Dynamics, Demographic Transition, and Population Ageing

10. Population and Environment, Climate Change, and Sustainable Development

11. Special Population Groups (Youth, Older Persons, Persons with Disability, etc.)

12. Population and Economy, Demographic Dividend, and Labor Market

13. Ethnicity/Race, Religion and Language

14. Historical Demography

15. Digital Technology for Demographic Analysis

16. Others (Education, Well-being, and Happiness, etc.)

17. Nepal Special Sessions (Topics relevant to Nepal)

